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    Quebec Skilled Worker(QSW)

    The Quebec Skilled Worker Program is an immigration pathway for permanent residence. This program is for skilled and experienced workers who want to live in Quebec.

    The province of Quebec itself operates the Quebec Skilled Worker Program. The government of Canada has given Quebec province its autonomy. Therefore, this program is managed by the province itself.

    With this program, Quebec attracts skilled workers to the province. These qualified persons help the province to fulfill the labor shortages as well as to support the economy.

    However, Quebec’s official language is French, but this program does not require an applicant to be proficient in French. This also means that English speakers who want to settle in Quebec can also apply for this program.

    • Immigration to Quebec

    Two primary steps are involved in the immigration process of Quebec.

    1. An application should be applied at the Quebec Immigration department for its immigration programs. The applicants should be selected by Ministère de l’immigration, de la Francisation et de l’Inclusion (MIFI), it is the immigration authority in Quebec.


    1. If an applicant is qualified under the program, they are issued a Certificat de sélection du Québec (CSQ). It is an official document issued by the provincial government that states the candidate has been selected by the province. Applicants with an approved CSQ should apply for permanent residence application with IRCC.

    The validity of CSQ is 24 months until the decision for permanent residence is announced by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).

    • Application Process for Quebec Skilled Worker

    The Quebec Immigration Ministry has launched an Expression of Interest (EOI) system for the application process of the immigration streams. Similarly, the interested candidates are advised to demonstrate their interest in Quebec immigration by submitting their profile in Quebec’s Expression of Interest Bank (EOIB).

    It is necessary for the Quebec Skilled Worker applicants to meet the minimum score of the points assessment grid. If the applicants are successful in fulfilling those selection points, then they can submit their Expression of Interest (EOI).

    • How to Submit an Expression of Interest (EOI)?

    The applicants with the required QSW points can submit their Expression of Interest (EOI). The EOI is submitted through Arrima Portal of Quebec. After submitting QSW EOI, the government invited the candidates to submit a complete application for a certificat de sélection du Québec (CSQ – Québec selection certificate).

    Those candidates who are successful in obtaining a Quebec Selection Certificate (CSQ) become eligible. These candidates can submit their application for Canadian Permanent Residence.

    • What is Arrima Portal?

    Similar to the federal Express Entry pool that accepts the applications of skilled workers, The Quebec Ministère de l’Immigration, Francisation et Integration (MIFI) has also launched an online portal.

    The Arrima Portal is responsible for managing and accepting the Quebec Skilled Worker Program (QSW) applications. The Quebec Skilled Worker (QSW) applicants have to submit their Expression of Interest (EOI) form through this portal.

    The Expression of Interest (EOI) contains information about the characteristics of the applicant. This includes the human capital characteristics such as education, language ability, work experience, and related.

    • Candidates Selection from Arrima

    The applicants are selected by the Quebec Ministère de l’Immigration, Francisation et Integration (MIFI).  The selected candidates have to submit their application for a CSQ.

    Furthermore, immigration has not yet specified the selection factors of the candidates they invite. As the candidates receive an invitation, they do not have much time to submit their applications. The estimated processing time for a CSQ application submitted through the Arrima portal is within six months.

    • Selection Criteria

    Till now, there is no hard and fast rule for the selection of candidates, but there are some factors that play a vital role in the acceptance. The choice of candidates is usually carried out in terms of applicants’ profiles, most probably on employment and contribution towards the French language.


    • Selection Factors for QSW Points Grid

    The applicants must meet the minimum required score to receive a certificat de sélection du Québec (CSQ – Québec selection certificate) for this program.

    This system is similar to Express Entry Points Grid. In this system, the candidates are given points based on their education level, characteristics, and application with a spouse.

    In this process, the spouse’s application also plays a vital role in the grid points. The applicants who are applying without their spouse must meet a minimum of 43 points on employment factors. Similarly, the applicants who are using along with their spouses are required to reach a minimum of 52 points on employment factors.

    Eligibility Factors Points

    (With Spouse)


    (Without Spouse)

    Language Proficiency 22 22
    Education 26 26
    Age 16 16
    Work Experience 8 8
    Employment Eligibility Score 43 52
    Children 8 8
    Job Offer 14 14
    Spouse Factors 17 17
    Connections in Quebec 8 8
    Financial Autonomy 1 1
    Minimum Score: 50 59



    • Education

    The points breakdown according to the different levels of education is described:

    Education Level Points
    General secondary 2
    Professional secondary 6
    Post-secondary degree (2 years) 4
    Technical Post-secondary degree (1 or 2 years) 4
    Technical Post-secondary degree (3 years) 8
    Undergraduate (1 year) 4
    Undergraduate (2 years) 6
    Undergraduate (3 year +) 10
    Graduate (1 year) or above 12
    post-graduate 14
    Training Area
    A 12
    B 9
    C 6
    D 2
    E 0
    Maximum 26


    • Skilled Work Experience

    The applicants can get points for the number of years they have done full-time paid work.

    Work Experience Maximum 15 points
    6 months-11 months 4
    1 -2 years 4
    2-3 years 6
    3-4 years 6
    Four years or more 8
    Maximum 8


    • Age

    The points breakdown according to the age of the candidates is:

    Age Points
    Under 18 0
    18-35 years 16
    36 years 14
    37 years 12
    38 years 10
    39 years 8
    40 years 6
    41 years 4
    42 years 2
    43 years or above 0
    Maximum 16


    • Language Proficiency

    The applicants should be proficient in the official language of Canada that are: English and French. The candidates can get a maximum of 22 points in language skills in English and French.

    The candidates undertake the language proficiency test, i.e., IELTS. To measure English proficiency, the Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) is used.

    • Connections in Quebec

    The connections of the applicants in Quebec often play a vital role in the points grid. The ties in the province can help increase the points and ensure a chance to get a more strong application.

    • Children

    The points are also graded in the case of accompanying children.

    • Job Offer

    A valid job offer from a valid employer in the province can help have a better score in the grid.

    • Accompanying Spouse Factors

    The accompanying spouse education also has an impact on the grid.

    • Processing time

    The time it takes to get a CSQ from the Quebec Immigration authorities and the time it takes to get a permanent residence visa from the federal immigration authorities are separated into two periods for the Quebec Skilled Worker program.

    Interested in Quebec Immigration?

    If that’s the case, get in touch with us right away. All of our cases are handled by immigration specialists that are knowledgeable and experienced.

    Lawyers, qualified paralegals, and consultants are among these professionals.

    Are you ready to take the next footstep? Now is the time to schedule your one-on-one consultation or give us a call.

    Have a question about your immigration requirements?