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    Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program OINP

    Ontario Provincial Nominee Programs

    As one of the world’s industrialized countries, Canada attracts a large number of immigrants from all over the globe. Its remarkable geographic characteristics, as the world’s second-largest country, draw millions of tourists from all over the world. Each year, Canada welcomes about 35 million overseas visitors. When we consider visiting another nation, the first thing that comes to mind is the visa requirements.

    Ontario is Canada’s most famous and populated, and many immigrants want to land in the same province. The capital of Ontario is Ottawa, and Toronto is also the most famous city in this province. It is the most populous and industrialized province in Canada.

    It is enriched in natural resources. However, the province’s major employer is the services industry, which employs a majority of the province’s workforce and comprises corporate, financial, professional, and technical services and culture and the arts.

    • Immigrant Invitations in Ontario

    Despite being the most populous province in Canada, Ontario is experiencing a skilled worker shortage. As a result, Ontario’s Provincial Nominee Program (OINP) is essential in meeting this need. However, the system is now receiving more applications than it can handle.Ontario can pick for its Provincial Nominee Program be doubled in December 2019. If approved, Ontario would be able to nominate 13,300 candidates by 2022.

    • Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP)

    The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) helps organizations fulfill their human resource needs. It enables the province by inviting immigrants from various professions, including management, professional, skilled foreign workers, and international students.

    The OINP is run by the province of Ontario in collaboration with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, the federal immigration agency (IRCC).

    The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP), also known as the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP), is a set of immigration channels that allows foreign individuals to become permanent residents of Canada. The PNP is aimed to recruit immigrants in areas that would benefit the province, such as skilled workers, employees in industries where there is a labor shortage, entrepreneurs, and investors. There are three types of immigration streams in operation in the province:

    • Ontario Human Capital
    • Ontario Employer Job Offer
    • Ontario Business


    • Expression of Interest

    The Employer Job Offer; its three streams, and International Student; its five streams are all managed by an Expression Of Interest system in Ontario. The province also runs three Express Entry programs for those who meet specific criteria, including education, work experience, language competence, and the capacity to effectively settle in Ontario and support the  economic development of province.

    Expressions of Interest (EOI) are accepted for the Entrepreneur Stream, which is unique among Ontario’s programs. Applicants interested in these nominations cannot apply immediately; instead, they must wait to be chosen and invited to apply.

    • Ontario Immigration Draws

    Candidates who are already enrolled in the Express Entry Pool often receive Invitations to Apply (ITA) and Notifications of Interest (NOIs) through the OINP. It further also allows the applicants to apply for nomination under the streams of the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program. Furthermore, after the draws are conducted, the applicants are allowed to apply and are informed about further details.

    • Ontario Human Capital

    Ontario Human Capital refers to a variety of immigration programs aimed at attracting workers to the province. The Human Capital streams highlight talents, abilities, or experience that indicate a foreign national might readily enter the Ontario labor market. Those with a job or educational background in Ontario and those who are bilingual (English/French) and have competitive Express Entry profiles may find success in one of these streams.

    • Priorities for Human Capital – Express Entry
    • Skilled Worker who speaks French – Express Entry
    • Skilled Trades – Express Entry
    • Masters Graduate
    • D. Graduate


    • Ontario Employer Job Offer

    Applicants with a legitimate work offer from an Ontario business can apply for immigration through the Ontario Employer Job Offer streams. To be considered genuine, both the employer and the employment must satisfy specific requirements. In addition, depending on which stream the applicant wishes to apply through, the applicant must fulfill particular qualifying conditions.

    • International Student with a Job Offer
    • In-Demand Skills
    • Foreign Worker


    • Ontario Business

    Ontario Business Immigration is a set of streams aimed at wealthy entrepreneurs and businesses interested in investing heavily in the province’s economic growth. Entrepreneurs and firms with a track record of success can use this program to start new businesses in Ontario. If these initiatives are approved, the candidates will be recommended for permanent residency in Canada.

    • Entrepreneur
    • Corporate (Closed)
    • Investor (Closed)