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    newfoundland pnp

    Newfoundland and Labrador

    After starting a wave of growth due to its energy and natural resources, Newfoundland requires talented, skilled, and qualified individuals to become a part and contribute to this massive growth of this province’s economy.

    For this purpose, the Newfoundland and Labrador Provincial Nominee Program is designed specially to provide prospective immigrants with the golden opportunity to become a part of this massive workforce and contribute with their skills and experience. Many streams are available for prospective immigrants, such as Express Entry Skilled Worker, Skilled Worker, and International Graduate streams.

    Here, we will be giving a brief overview of all the streams available to skilled prospective immigrants.


    • Express Entry Skilled Worker Stream:

    The Express Entry Skilled Worker Stream is for skilled foreign workers who want to obtain permanent residence in Canada. The skilled foreign workers can be in various professions, including technical, managerial, and administrative. Furthermore, the stream is not limited to these professions, but many eligible occupations can apply for skilled workers.

    The workers in the federal Express Entry and have required skills with NOC Skill Level 0, A, or B occupations, along with an employment guarantee offer, may be eligible to apply for Express Entry Skilled Worker Stream of NLPNP.

    The requirement to apply for this stream is to fulfill the basic needs. The requirements include language proficiency, education, employment, and professional work experience as well.

    • Requirements:


    • A minimum score of 67 points in the PNP assessment grid.
    • A valid IRCC Work Permit.
    • A Canadian post-secondary degree or diploma or foreign equivalent qualification.
    • A firm intention to live and settle in the province.
    • Demonstration of sufficient settlement funds.
    • Language proficiency tests.


    • Skilled Worker Stream: 

    For workers who have required experience from any level of NOC Skill Levels, along with an employment guarantee from any Newfoundland and Labrador company or employer, are welcome to apply for a provincial nomination in the Skilled Worker stream of NLNP. For this purpose, the applicants must possess a specialized skill set that fulfills the requirement of the concerned employer.

    • Qualifying Requirements


    • A Canadian post-secondary degree or diploma or foreign equivalent qualification.
    • A valid job offer from a NOC level 0, A, B, or C.
    • Competitive job position in the labor market.
    • The job that leads to career growth.
    • The job position should not be undervaluing the person’s skills.



    • International Graduate Stream:

    For the students who have graduated from eligible and designated learning institute (DLI) post-secondary institutions and want to stay in Canada on a Post-Graduate Work Permit, the International Graduate program of the NLNP might be a perfect opportunity.

    This program requires the graduates to be currently employed or have an employment offer from a Newfoundland and Labrador company/employer. The job must relate to the concerned field of study.

    The international graduates can have an excellent opportunity to work in this province as soon as they graduate. With this employment in the province, the foreign students can observe international exposure in the province as well.

    This stream also provides the students an opportunity to become Canadian permanent residents.

    • Qualifying requirements


    • The applicants have a Post Graduate Work Permit that is still valid for at least four months.
    • The applicants have full-time work or job offer from an eligible employer in a NOC 0, A, or B occupation on the In-Demand Occupation list that promises at least 30 hours per week and is for at least one year with a reasonable expectation of extension.
    • The candidate must be between the ages of 21 and 59.
    • Intend to make Newfoundland and Labrador my permanent home.
    • Have enough money prepared out for the settlement.
    • To accomplish the job requirements, you must be able to communicate in English or French. For NOC C, In-Demand jobs, language testing is necessary.
    • If the candidate owns a share in the company where they work, it cannot be more than ten percent.


    • International Entrepreneur Category: 

    Certain provinces of Canada lack skilled workers and business investors. In order to fill the labor gaps, professional worker positions, or economic needs. There are business-driven pilots.

    The International Entrepreneur category is also one of them.


    This category is specially designed for individuals, businesspersons who have sufficient experience in owning and managing businesses. They want to immigrate to Canada and own & operate a business in Newfoundland & Labrador. The main requirement of this category is that the applicant must have sufficient experience in managing a business and significant net worth.


    The applicants must show the province that they have a sincere intention to operate the business in Newfoundland & Labrador.


    • International Graduate Entrepreneur Category: 

    For applicants who have graduated from any post-secondary program (of at least 2-years) in Newfoundland & Labrador and have sufficient experience (at least one year) of managing a business in this province, the International Graduate Entrepreneur Category of NLNP is a perfect opportunity leading to Canadian immigration.

    • You must be at least 21 years old.
    • Provide a business strategy with accompanying financial records that have been validated.
    • Have earned a degree or diploma after completing at least two academic years of full-time, in-person study at Memorial University or College of the North Atlantic, with the degree or diploma earned within two years of the Expression of Interest being submitted.
    • A valid Post-Graduate Work Permit is required.
    • Want to live in Newfoundland & Labrador for the rest of your life while owning and operating a firm that contributes significantly to the province’s economy?
    • Have a minimum of one year of continuous active management and ownership of the existing firm (33.3 percent minimum ownership)


    • Newfoundland and Labrador Points Assessment Grid:

    Similar to the federal point assessment grid, this also works in the same way. The applicants are given points on various characteristics that are based on various factors. The crucial assessment factors include language proficiency, professional work experience, education, degree assessments and evaluations, a job offer in Canada, and other adaptability factors of a spouse.


    To be eligible for the NLNP program, the applicants are required to meet all the requirements set by the NLNP Express Entry Skilled Worker Program and achieve a minimum score of 67, which is considered the minimum passing score on the Point Assessment Grid.


    • Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program:

    Apart from other programs, Newfoundland and Labrador also participate in the Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program (AIPP) as well. This program (AIPP) is an initiative that basically focuses on economic growth by effectively facilitating the immigration process for newcomers having job offers from employers/companies of this region. The Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program the initiative and partnership between the federal government of Canada and the governments of Canada’s Atlantic provinces.